"Are you kidding? You think you can be me?!" "Of course I can, Watch me.. Oh, everyone's out to get me... You're ruining my life..." "It's easy to be you.. I'll suck the fun out of everything.." "I do not suck the fun out of everything!" "Fun sucker!" "Oh, this is ridiculous." (Freaky Friday, 2003)

just like any other normal family, mine's made up of loving parents and happy kids. now by loving, i meant overbearing, and by happy, i meant misunderstood, so it only fits that by normal, i meant dysfunctional.
family includes parents and five siblings. two of them were toddlers, and two of em were girls roughly a few years younger than i am. and then there's me. i usually get along well with those two girlies. i'm the eldest and it takes a no-brainer to figure out that we were at that whirlwind stage of youthful angst where we consider any type of family bonding cheesy and so totally uncool. well. least i did. generally, on trips like these, the only thing worth lookin forward to is the time spent goofin around with my two dorky sisters. boy do we tease each other A LOT.
and i could only smile at how the humorous instances we find ourselves in,
usually results to the silliest laughtrips ever known to man.
that moment wasn't an exception.